Eco Friendly Power Washing proudly offers garage cleaning services that will keep this facet of your home sanitary, tidy, and hazard-free.
What’s In Your Garage?
Whether you own a golf cart or a minivan, a lawn mower or a motorcycle, it’s almost guaranteed that they’re making their mark on your garage flooring. This results in issues such as battery leaks, vehicle fluid residue and more. Add to that the fact that your garage tends to get a lot of traffic from family members, pets, and motors. The result is a space that is dirty, unkempt, and if there are battery stains present, a hazard to your health and safety.
Battery acid, calcium carbonate buildup, oil stains and the like create nasty stains on your concrete surfaces. But they also degrade the surface, making it unstable and dangerous. Every year, thousands of Americans slip and fall when they’re doing chores or heading out to their vehicles. And the overwhelming majority of these are due to preventable circumstances.
Our Solution
Eco Friendly Power Washing will first carefully clean your concrete surfaces to remove any dirt, dust, and other debris. Next, we use our unique F9 process to those lift stubborn stains from your garage. This approach is effective on rust, battery stains, efflorescence, hard water stains, and more. The solution works into the concrete to truly remove the root of the issue. It also seals the porous surface to prevent future issues.
When you choose Eco Friendly Power Washing, you aren’t just getting a beautiful garage. You’re getting a safe one… And you’re getting one that will maintain it’s good condition for years to come. Consider it a three-in-one!